A Great Deal For Your Dermis At Juvanni

A Great Deal For Your Dermis At Juvanni

🍁 Deal for your Dermis:

Juvanni's Oktoberfest is a multilayered laser deal tailored for each layer of your skin.

✨Top Layer: This is Perfect for sun damage, pigmentation, superficial unwanted veins & skin polishing. $1,750 (2 sessions) - reg price $2,500.

✨Middle Layer: This Laser treatment will Boost your collagen synthesis as it enhances the smoothness of your skin while forming it up. Can also be used for hair restoration. Currently $2,500 (2 sessions) - regular price $3,000.

✨Deepest Layer: This is hardcore anti-aging for combating chronic skin failure: this is the Ultimate non surgical lift & will help with skin sagging. Now $3,500 - regular price $5,000.

🎁 BONUS: Buy the complete dermal package and get a complimentary skin infusion
