A Love Letter to Your Skin

A Love Letter to Your Skin

A Love Letter to Your Skin

Sorry if this message is reaching you later in your life's journey. 

 This message is crucial for the future of your future faces! Your skin carries the particles of your spirit, which collectively get represented in your mind as you grow through time and gravity!

 Being the largest organ that you possess, your skin loses its elasticity and form through time! And as it ages, it also sags: running its course as nature intended! But men stole secrets of youth from the gods: And now we have FDA-approved medications & machines to help you halt your decline. It's best done preventatively, and its first few steps are basically free of any cost! Please check out Juvanni beauty protocols to learn more. And yes, unfortunately, health, wellness, and beauty are still out-of-pocket costs! And are mostly, not inexpensive.

 Sending you love,

 Dr. Sofia D.