Beauty In A Bag

Beauty In A Bag

Many ladies I work with are awestruck with fancy bags as they get older because they’re raised to believe that signs of aging can be masked with expensive accessories like hand bags or jewels! 

But at Juvanni, after working for a decade with anti-aging minerals, nutrients, FDA cleared and approved medications and machines, my favorite bag was no longer the one in a Hermes or Chanel store but rather the one I learned to make myself. 

 My bag comes in various seasonal flavors and sizes. I source its contents from compounding pharmacies throughout the United States and it always makes me and those of you who use it regularly, feel so rejuvenated but best of all, it restores my aging skin and reverses  hair loss. I always feel that it tilts time in my favor whenever I do it! 

 Allow me to introduce you to Juvanni’s Bag of Beauty! 

 The accessory I recommend to every post menopausal woman to try! And I am not going to exclude the gentlemen who like to use these products too! These are equally effective for andropause! 

 My favorite cocktail in 2023 was called XQR2 which I had formulated after treating hundreds of clients over a decade! 

 In 2024 I added a couple of new ingredients and it’s turning into a new flavor! 

 Please meet XQR5 which is suitable for people who are always on the go and need faster recovery from the oxidative stress they cause upon themselves. 

 Please connect with me or my team if you have questions or if you’d like to upgrade your prior infusions to the newer version! You can just let us know when making an appointment 914-368-6609

  Sending you love and prayers! 

 Dr. Sofia D 

 P.S. Please also remember, our infusions are as preservative free as medically possible and therefore need to be ordered on a weekly and/or monthly basis since our B Vitamins expire like avocados 🥑 which die if left alone for too long! Glutathione also looses its rizz if you don’t use it within the week!

 P.S.S. Please check out me celebrating David's birthday at Neue Gallery while "Klmpting" at Estee Lauder's estate.