Celebrating International Day of Women and Girls in Science at the United Nations

Celebrating International Day of Women and Girls in Science at the United Nations

Check out some images from my day at the United Nations General Assembly (#UNGA). This visit celebrated the 9th International Day of Women and Girls in Science.

It was my first time visiting this place, and I was also there to hear a family friend, who is also my girlfriend, Reema Khan, speak to the gathering. I was amazed by the inspiring, and enlightening stories of women and girls in science from around the world.

Despite its general ineffectiveness on important global matters, the UN headquarters, unsurprisingly, had an incredible collection of art installations. I'm adding some images at the end of the video!

At the United Nations General Assembly, we celebrated women in science. I am posting Reema Khan's speech titled "Peace as an Asset Class," which is a very relevant discussion for our times.