Early Signs and Symptoms of Brain Decline During Menopause

Early Signs and Symptoms of Brain Decline During Menopause

Menopause doesn’t have to feel like the death of your brain cells.

 When girls are young, they are informed by caregivers about how their brains and bodies will change with the surges of hormones during puberty. However, at the end of their menstrual journey, the impact of the decline in hormones on a woman's brain has hardly been studied, even though more women suffer from Alzheimer's than men.

 Recent research has pointed out that women develop early signs of cognitive impairment and decline, starting with the onset of perimenopause.

 I have a personal interest in finding solutions for preserving our brains because Alzheimer’s runs in both sides of my family. During the pandemic years, we mixed and matched various supplements for skin infusions; however, a few supplements became my favorites because they also helped with COVID-related brain fog, which hit menopausal women much harder. One such supplement was glutathione. Its intravenous intake improved brain-related fogginess, aside from bringing a nice glow to the skin and hair.

 If you or a loved one is struggling with any of the signs of perimenopause or menopause, please try supplements containing glutathione to improve your health. And yes, these can also be used intravenously at your doctor’s office.

Below, I am listing the various properties of this powerful antioxidant known as Glutathione in a tabulated form, because of its properties I have made it a routine part of our hair and skin infusions during menopause.

If you have any questions please feel free to call or text 914-38-6609

 Lots of love,

 Dr. Sofia D