Eliminate Your Double Chin with KYBELLA

Eliminate Your Double Chin with KYBELLA

Are you no longer happy with your appearance because of submental fullness under your chin? Trying to get rid of a double chin on your own can be a frustrating process, and that is one of the reasons why tens of thousands of patients have KYBELLA® injections carried out every single year. This advanced injectable will help you sculpt a smooth and toned jawline by eradicating the fat under your chin. KYBELLA® is one of the most popular injectable products on the market, and it might be the double chin treatment you have been looking for.

Most people believe that losing weight is a straightforward process, but stubborn body fat in the chin is a completely different issue. No matter how much weight you are able to lose, you may end up struggling with a double chin for years. It is very difficult to target fat in that area of the body, and most over-the-counter creams and ointments won’t have any impact on your double chin. KYBELLA® has been approved by the FDA to treat all forms of submental fullness, and it is one of the only fat reduction procedures that can be carried out on the neck.

Researchers have spent decades studying how the body metabolizes fat, and they discovered that there is a natural substance in the digestive tract that strategically targets fat cells. Deoxycholic acid is found in your intestines, and its primary purpose is to break down all of the fats that you eat. After a handful of clinical studies, doctors were able to develop a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid. When that compound is injected into the chin, it destroys the fat cells while leaving the rest of the healthy tissue untouched. Your double chin will disappear before your eyes as your lymphatic system excretes all of the fatty tissue.

Your treatment plan depends on quite a few factors, and that is why we invite all of our patients to schedule a comprehensive consultation and evaluation. For moderate submental fullness, we usually suggest between three and five treatments. Those sessions need to be scheduled at least a month apart so that your lymphatic system has ample time to expel the damaged fat cells. Severe submental fullness will take slightly longer to treat, and you will need to carefully watch what you eat and drink during that time. Getting rid of your double chin will be nearly impossible if you don’t stick to a healthy diet.

Contact Juvanni Med Spa today to schedule your consultation! We are conveniently located in Yonkers, NY.