From Imposter Syndrome to Mastery: My 10-Year Reflections Through Reviews

From Imposter Syndrome to Mastery: My 10-Year Reflections Through Reviews

Everyone told me to seek reviews when I first started my aesthetic practice a decade ago. But I grappled with imposter syndrome. Even though I had been a doctor for over a decade by then, I was still new to the emerging field of aesthetic medicine and anti-aging.

So, I didn’t readily accept praise. I was aware that, even at my best, I hadn't yet evolved into the professional my clients truly needed—the very best skin tailor in town. A tall order, I know.

Now, a decade later, I feel more confident and have a stronger command over most aspects of my work, consistently reproducing desired results. My training in various modalities over the years has equipped me to tailor skin treatments in more innovative ways.

Today, I value your reviews and actively seek your feedback. Not to boost my ego, but to approach my work with humility, allowing me to enhance its impact on you.

Anti-aging for your body is a journey through time, and I am profoundly grateful that so many of you have chosen me repeatedly to be your guide towards health and wellness.

While I appreciate the positive feedback, I recognize that being your anti-aging doctor isn't about popularity. It's a calling that is deeply rooted in honesty and a meticulous attention to detail.

Lots of love,

Dr. Sofia D.