Is Kybella Permanent?

Is Kybella Permanent?

Are you bothered by stubborn fat? Perhaps you are self-conscious because of the excess fat under your chin. Or maybe you hate the lack of contour when you see your side profile? At Juvanni Med Spa in Yorkers, New York, we offer Kybella injections: a permanent solution to get rid of stubborn chin fat.

Submental fullness, commonly known as “double chin,” is the enlarged area under the chin created by excess fat deposits. You may develop excess facial fat through genetics, weight gain, or from the natural aging process.

No matter how our clients have developed excess fat under their chin, the one constant is that they want it gone. In fact, an online survey concluded that one in four adults are bothered by their double chin. Amazingly, this aesthetic condition can be solved in a few lunchtime visits.

Kybella is the first FDA-approved non-surgical solution to getting rid of submental fullness via injectables. This process should only be administered by a medical professional as it requires proper dosing and administration to avoid unnecessary complications.

A series of small injections containing deoxycholic acid is strategically injected under the chin, obliterating fat and restoring your facial contours. In the past, the way to remove the fat pocket was through invasive treatments such as liposuction. This treatment regimen is a scalpel-free way of removing unwanted chin fat with no downtime.

Kybella contains a synthetic version of deoxycholic acid. Your body naturally produces this bile acid in your intestinal tract to help your body absorb fat. Once injected, the deoxycholic acid destroys the fat walls, permanently eliminating the fat cells. The cell debris turns into waste, washed away by your lymph nodes and blood. It then metabolizes and goes through the body’s natural elimination process.

Each client has a unique treatment plan. We base the number of treatments on factors such as your chin profile, the size of the treatment area, and your desired results. During each of your visits, you’ll get a series of small injections in the treatment area. Your treatments will be at least one month apart.

There have been over 20 clinical studies performed and over 1,500 patients treated successfully with minor instances of notable side effects. Just like with any other injectable treatment, you can expect slight bruises, swelling, and redness at the injection site, which usually subside after treatment. We have a reputable medical team with extensive experience in delivering outstanding results.

During the treatment process, the injections target the fat walls and permanently destroys the fat cells. Still, future weight gain, gravity, and the body’s aging process can affect results. Kybella works best when you follow a healthy diet and exercise regimen.

Are you ready to see a tighter, contoured you? Contact Juvanni Med Spa in Yonkers, NY today to schedule a consultation and find out how Kybella can help you achieve the youthful appearance you want.