Love Transcends Perfection

Love Transcends Perfection

Love transcends the pursuit of perfection.

 Before I became your favorite skin tailor, I used to work for your insurance company, which paid me to tend to your illnesses.

 But one day, I experienced a new kind of medical training to help people reverse their skin age. This training borders on the realm of the business of beauty. As I got hypnotized by the realm of beauty, I stumbled upon the awareness that beauty can't exist without a firm connection and commitment to one's own health and wellness.

 As we pursue tending to your beauty, let's make sure that you understand that self-love is a prerequisite to living a life lived well. And your love for yourself must transcend the pursuit of perfection!

 One of my favorite health and wellness treatments is vitamin and mineral supplements to support your system. In the decade of working in health and wellness, it's my conclusion that we take supplements incorrectly. Many of these very important compounds are best taken intravenously, especially as we go through perimenopause and  menopause if you're a female or andropause if you are a male.

 If you have never tried this way of supplementing, I invite you to find out more by visiting our website.