Microdosing Your Beauty

Microdosing Your Beauty

Beauty is best experienced over the entirety of your life span via microdoses!

 Whether it’s anti-aging medications or energy devices or supplements; I recommend them in smaller bits & bites of doses and procedures!

 At juvanni I curate your cocktails of longevity with a lot of individualized care and caution!

 Of course it’s important to remember and recognize that you can’t convert medical grade levels of body Dysmorphia in the land of Botox and fillers into self appreciation!

 Body Dysmorphia is an image perception problem, and can become more problematic if dealt by doctors who don’t have experience or training in mental health.

 To find out your unique anti-aging doses please connect with my team at 914-368-6609

 Lots of Love,

 Dr. Sofia D.