Please flatten the curve and stay at home!

Please flatten the curve and stay at home!

Please flatten the curve and stay at home, but please do not go into couch mode. Like everyone, i have moments where imagining the worst possible covid-19 scenario steals my breath. But cowering in the dark places of our minds doesn’t help. Rather than private panic, we need public-spirited action. Those of us walking into the rooms of covid-19-positive patients every day need you and your minds, your networks, your creative solutions, and your voices to be fighting for us. We might be the exhausted masked face trying to resuscitate you when you show up on the doorstep of our hospital. And when you do, i promise not to panic. I’ll use every ounce of my expertise to keep you alive. Please, do the same for us.


Following consultations with global and local public health authorities (including the WHO and CDC) Juvanni Med Spa have implemented all protocols to safeguard our clients to ensure ongoing services!


Please note we are taking extra precautions to limit the spread of COVID-19.


Rest assured we are still committed to providing our valued customers with ongoing services.


Learn more about treatment options during a consultation with our qualified team in NY!


Connect With Us:


For more details contact: 914-368-6609 or Text: 914 646 2690


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