Refine Your Jawline with Kybella!

Refine Your Jawline with Kybella!

A smooth jawline is not only attractive from every angle, but it also allows you to maintain a natural youthfulness. A double chin is common for many of us, but it’s one trait that we could do without. Trying to get rid of fat in that area of the face is very hard to accomplish no matter how much dieting and exercising you do. That’s why Kybella® was invented. It’s an incredible minimally-invasive procedure that can dissolve your double chin and refine your jawline and neck contours without surgery and recovery time. Best of all, the treatments are quick, the fat cells are destroyed, and the results are long-lasting.

The unique cosmetic treatment makes slimming your chin a simple and fast procedure. Kybella® is an injectable containing a special active ingredient called deoxycholic acid. The substance is naturally found in the human body, and its purpose is to break down dietary fats for digestion and nutrient absorption. This same ingredient has been discovered to effectively break down the fat cells in your double chin without affecting other cells in the region.

It’s a convenient method that avoids surgery and downtime, and Kybella® doesn’t pose surgical risks like scarring or bruising. Kybella® injections will not inhibit your movement post-treatment, and you will be able to return to most normal activity.

Kybella® has been studied extensively, and the research shows impressive results with the product being safe and effective for treating double chins. More than 20 clinical trials have been conducted with more than 2,600 patients. Here in the United States, Kybella® is FDA-approved for the treatment of fat underneath the chin.

The best part is the long-lasting effects of a smoother, more refined jawline, chin and neck. The dissolution of fat cells via Kybella® injections is designed to be permanent.

Let’s be honest. A nice jawline is always a plus and enhances your facial definition, but a double chin can make you appear heavier or wider in the face. Surgery can end up with complications and a lengthy recovery time. Kybella® is the latest trendy treatment that safely delivers exceptional results and a more defined jawline with quick injection sessions.

If you’re excited to dissolve your double chin and discover more youthful contours, then Kybella® treatment at Juvanni Med Spa could be for you. Schedule a consultation at our office in Yonkers to find out for sure. Contact us today to book your appointment!