The Best Cocktails For Your Body Do Not Contain Alcohol

The Best Cocktails For Your Body Do Not Contain Alcohol

As the season of summer ends and if you live in the east coast the season of harvest approaches and at this point I change some of the vitamin and mineral dosages for your skin and hair infusion.

"Please remember that your hair is merely an extension of your skin."

However, if on the other hand you are considering an IV infusion just because you have been  partying or exciting all of your nervous system continuously all of summer than I would like to offer just a simplistic light balance of minerals delivered directly into your veins via an infusion (with something as basic as Myer's Cocktail). 

As always, I would love to hear from you and welcome any questions! Please feel free to text or call 914-368-6609


Sofia D.

P.S. To learn more, please click here.