What are the Best Acne Treatments for Adults? - acne treatment in Yonkers NY

What are the Best Acne Treatments for Adults? - acne treatment in Yonkers NY

Thousands of adults suffer from acne in the United States. However, the treatment options are often not discussed. If you are looking for acne treatment in Yonkers NY, we can help you.

Instead, most people leave their acne and hope that it gets better over time. And while this may be true, some acne may take weeks or months to clear, while others, may not get better at all. 

Although most people are unaware of this, there are various acne treatment options available. The most popular treatment method is topical creams and other medications. But there are also others out there, and quick acne treatment options at your disposal.

So, with this in mind, this blog post will highlight the best acne treatment options for adults in Yonkers NY.

What is acne?

Before diving into the different acne treatment options, first, we want to define acne. Acne is a skin condition that includes a breakout of spots or oily skin that is sometimes sore to touch, red, and irritable. 

Millions of people suffer from acne, with teenagers' being the most commonly affected group. However, many adults also experience acne outbreaks. But this is not talked about as much.

Treating your acne early is recommended - allowing you to clear up your skin, reduce pain, improve your confidence, and maybe even reduce scarring, as mentioned by the American Academy of Dermatology Association

What are the different acne treatment options?

Okay, now that we know what acne is and who it affects, let’s highlight the different treatment options available. 

Typically, there are three main acne treatment options:

  • Laser treatment
  • Microdermabrasion
  • Microneedling 

Each of these will now be explained in more detail below.

  • Laser treatment

First up, we have laser treatment. This acne treatment method stimulates your body's natural healing process and can also help clear up existing acne scars. Furthermore, the heat energy from the lasers kills the acne-causing bacteria, clearing up your acne, and improving overall skin hygiene. 

  • Microdermabrasion 

Second, we have microdermabrasion - an exfoliation therapy method similar to applying topical creams. This method of acne treatment is not as invasive as laser treatment, however, it may not produce as good results when compared to laser treatment or microneedling.

  • Microneedling 

Finally, there is microneedling - a process used to clear cellular debris and impurities to reduce the aggravation of your skin and your acne. This acne treatment method is not as invasive as laser treatment, but can produce similar results.

Ultimately, the best acne treatment for you depends on the severity of your acne, whether or not you have scarring, and what you’re comfortable with. 

We always recommend booking an appointment to find the best treatment options for you.

Acne treatment in Yonkers NY 

If you suffer from acne, whether mild or severe, then get in touch today. We are more than happy to discuss acne treatment in Yonkers NY with you - helping you restore your confidence, look great, and protect your skin.

Don’t let acne take control of your life - take action now!