Your Fat Cells Are Like Plastic In The Realm OF Your Body

Your Fat Cells Are Like Plastic In The Realm OF Your Body

Your fat cells act like plastic in the realm of your body and function as an organ by themselves. They can become inflamed when exposed to certain elements like alcohol, sugar, steroids (such as cortisol), etc.

 Fat cells have a very long lifespan and increase and decrease in size throughout the years. Obesity and addiction medications like GLP-1 agonists have made a dent in treating our fat cells by decreasing their size; however, they have not eliminated their presence. Therefore, all weight management protocols at Juvanni still require non-surgical devices such as CoolSculpting to slowly but surely eliminate the layers of subcutaneous fat.

People routinely inquire about injectable fat melters like Kybella. The purpose of selecting Kybella over CoolSculpting is useful only when treating very small areas where the CoolSculpting applicators don't fit. Another difference between these two treatments is that Kybella has an unwanted side effect—swelling—which occurs for 4-7 days after the procedure. Other than that, the price points and number of treatments may remain the same in both cases. Kybella is best experienced under the chin, but so is CoolSculpting if the applicator fits.

 To find out if non-surgical weight management is suitable for you, please connect with my team at 914-368-6609